Eva Clara https://dev.biomagnetismforlymedisease.com Fri, 10 Nov 2023 06:31:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 How Is Lyme Disease Addressed Through Biomagnetism Therapy? https://dev.biomagnetismforlymedisease.com/how-is-lyme-disease-addressed-through-biomagnetism-therapy https://dev.biomagnetismforlymedisease.com/how-is-lyme-disease-addressed-through-biomagnetism-therapy#respond Wed, 26 Apr 2023 11:31:30 +0000 https://dev.biomagnetismforlymedisease.com/?p=206
Biomagnetism is a scientific, revolutionary, and therapeutic approach to wellness. As practiced internationally, it is a process of balancing bioenergetic energy in the body. Initially, the body is screened for pH imbalances that might cause dysfunction. Then, powerful ceramic magnets are placed on specific points to support pH regulation in these parts, allowing for homeostasis so the body will heal itself. After the treatment, the body will return to regular immune function, increased circulation, oxygenation, and standardized inflammation.


Biomagnetism was discovered in 1988 by a medical surgeon after attending a seminar that explained while working with NASA that they found astronauts changing leg lengths resulting in trips into space. Then the Doctor found he could restore leg lengths by placing magnets on specific points. The two physicians discovered the relationship between pH and bio-magnetic pair placement. Biomagnetism is not similar to magnetic therapy. Magnetic therapy uses only the pole of magnetic treatment for further extended periods. In contrast, biomagnetism uses powerful magnetic pairs for a short period.
Biomagnetism helps healing by creating a hostile pH environment for particular pathogens. When fungi, viruses, parasites, and bacteria enter the body, they go to specific locations and make a biomagnetic pair. There is an active connection between the optimistic point, which is acidic, and the negative point, which is alkaline.
Acidic environments help fungi and viruses, while alkaline environments favor bacteria and pests. Placing magnets at the proper points makes opposites charges to neutralize the pathogen and grow an equilibrium with a neutral pH, allowing it to remove pathogens and restore the person’s health quickly.


There are five types of biomagnetism pairs (BMPs) where we can find distortions of pH. These biases also affect our bio-magnetic field. The five types of BMPs that are treated are as follows:
  1. Regular BMPs
  2. Special BMPs
  3. Glandular dysfunctions BMPs
  4. Associated BMPs, and 
  5. Temporary BMPs. 

Regular BMPs have relationships with precise bacteria, viruses, fungi, and bedbugs. These names are related to the specific pathogen. 

Special BMPs haven’t been related to an exact pathogen. They are unlike the pathogen pairs and have yet to be recognized. They might be related to organs or nerve networks.
Glandular dysfunctions BMPs frequently make in the areas surrounding the gland. They will help to restore function by modifying the glandular BMPs surrounding the gland and making the gland to resolution dysfunction and return to well-being.

Associated BMPs happen when regular BMPs pair together. These will cause more complicated diseases like sores, Alzheimer’s, and others. Successfully depolarizing the teams helps to bring an enhancement.

Temporary BMPs form from being intoxicated, poisoned, and traumatized. These pairs address heavy-metal poisoning, pesticide poisoning, and injuries.

The magnets used in this therapy are powerful and might be kept away from wallets, credit cards, and pacemakers. Scanning for these pairs is a procedure that examines the changes in the length of the legs. After going to different BMPs, the practitioner places magnets to check if they restore the leg length to normal, and the average treatments take 30-60 minutes.


Another exciting development in biomagnetism is the therapy of Lyme disease. Biomagnetic pair therapy brought her back to health, and she became certified in biomagnetic pair therapy. The Lyme Magnetic Protocol teaches other practitioners to eradicate Lyme and other symptoms. 

Lyme Disease is very complicated and wishes an aggressive treatment method due to multiple coinfections. The experience shows chronic Lyme Disease is a multi-pathogen syndrome. All of these pathogens require to be addressed and eliminated. Only after successful therapy the body will restore to wellness. The protocol usually takes 6–10 sessions, with the patient needing to be careful to avoid reinfection.

Some problematic cases and chronic Lyme disease can take up to 20–30 treatments. We treat each patient individually, and time and protocols will vary by patient. Initially, the patient receives treatment every two weeks, eventually progressing to every five weeks. Patients often feel significant improvement after many sessions; however, this isn’t the time to slow down treatment. For successful healing, the therapy might be complete. Other factors, such as stress, diet, and sleep, should be addressed.

If we want to enjoy peak health, you are an excellent candidate for biomagnetism. Bio-magnetic therapy doesn’t diagnose, prescribe or claim to treat certain conditions; it delivers energetic balancing that offers therapeutic assistance by supporting typical structure and function. Biomagnetism therapy is compatible with predictable medical treatments, acupuncture, medication, chiropractic, nutrition, and homeopathy.

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Biomagnetic therapy for Lyme disease: Understanding Lyme Disease https://dev.biomagnetismforlymedisease.com/biomagnetic-therapy-for-lyme-disease-understanding-lyme-disease https://dev.biomagnetismforlymedisease.com/biomagnetic-therapy-for-lyme-disease-understanding-lyme-disease#respond Wed, 26 Apr 2023 12:42:30 +0000 https://dev.biomagnetismforlymedisease.com/?p=308

What Is Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is an insect-borne disease caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi and Borrelia mayonii. It can be transmitted to humans by biting these infected black-legged ticks. It is a severe condition for humans when the symptoms occur, including: 

  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Skin rash

This infection can be complicated, leading to multiple co-infections and Lyme Borrelia. This therapy needed a comprehensive and individualized approach in such disease, and the profession generally recommended using antibiotic pills or IV antibiotics. 

Some therapies can help you manage the symptoms by reaching the root cause of your discomfort.

​Biomagnetic Therapy

Biomagnetic therapy tries to address the root cause of Lyme Disease and its co-infections, if any. It helps to heal the body by involving the permanent magnets placed on the patient’s body. These magnets produce weak magnetic fields that can determine the pH imbalance of patients.

Introduction to Lyme Biomagnetic Protocol Therapy

The magnetic Lyme protocol is a powerful therapy that targets the symptoms of lying diseases and their co-infections. In this therapy, the biological frequency is created by using magnetic fields. They place the positive and negative magnetic pairs on the patient’s body in specific patterns and locations. This magnetic reflection changes the body’s susceptibility to bacterial, viral, fungal, and parasitic infections. It causes the pathogens to die off, and the problem that is caused due to them is solved. This therapy has several benefits, including:
  • Inflammation in the body decreases
  • Energy is balanced
  • Organ function is restored
  • Vitality resumes
  • Heal the body naturally

Combating Lyme Disease with Biomagnetism

As per observation, many different pathogens are causing various symptoms. Pathogens that cause the disease to the individuals and the severity of the symptoms of this disease are referred to as virulence. These pathogens are commonly categorized as fungi, bacteria, worms, viruses, and tick-borne in these infections. 

Biomagnetism therapy is a revolutionary approach to inhaling the symptoms caused by Lyme disease. It is one of the powerful therapies that specially target the symptoms of this disease and tick-borne infection.

Using a magnet, it tries to achieve bioenergetic balance in the human body. It helps to heal the pH imbalance that happens due to the disease. It combines to eliminate the symptoms and other health conditions in the patient’s body.

This therapy promotes the body’s natural pH balance and keeps renewed natural defense. That keeps the various microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, fungi, and multiple parasites under control.

Lyme Magnetic Protocol Therapy

The patient with Lyme disease symptoms needs immediate medical help. They should be evaluated and treated as soon as possible to avoid complications.

Five types of Biomagnetic Pairs (BMP) :

Regular BMPs:

It has a specific relationship with a particular pathogen.

Special BMPs:

These are different from regular pathogen pairs and must be identified.

Glandular dysfunctions BMPs:

These pairs are surrounded by the gland.

Associated BMPs:

It creates more complicated diseases like abscesses and Alzheimer's.

Temporary BMPs:

This pair forms from intoxicated, injured, poisoned, traumatized, and pesticide poisoning.

Biomagnetic therapy allows using a magnet when a patient is being treated. These powerful magnets must be kept away from credit cards, wallets, and pacemakers.

How Much Time Needed To Heal From The Lyme Disease

Lyme Disease is complex and needs an aggressive approach due to its multiple co-infections. It is a multi-pathogen syndrome, so it must be addressed on time and eliminated from the patient’s body. It can be possible with only successful therapy that may benefit. 

Biomagnetic therapy usually takes 7 – 10 sessions, with the individual needing to be careful to avoid any complication or infection. These sessions can differ to the patient’s condition and illness. Some complicated cases take up to 20-30 therapies.

Initially, the patient receives therapy that may benefit every two weeks. Eventually, it progresses to every five weeks. Patients can experience significant improvement after several therapy sessions. This therapy must be completed for successful healing. Other factors, such as the patient’s diet, stress, and sleep, must be addressed during the therapy.

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Lyme Disease Signs and Therapy https://dev.biomagnetismforlymedisease.com/yme-disease-signs-and-therapy https://dev.biomagnetismforlymedisease.com/yme-disease-signs-and-therapy#respond Wed, 26 Apr 2023 12:42:06 +0000 https://dev.biomagnetismforlymedisease.com/?p=306

What is Lyme disease?

Lyme disease is affected by the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi, which can be contracted through the bite of an infected deer tick (also known as a black-legged tick). The infection is not transmitted by common “wood ticks” or “dog ticks.”

What are the different stages of Lyme disease?

Lyme disease can progress in stages, overlapping and creating signs involving the skin, joints, heart, or brain system. These are the stages:
  • Early-stage Lyme conditions (weeks one to four).
  • Lyme disease spreads early (months one through four).
  • Late persistent, late disseminated, or simply late Lyme disease (four months or more later, even years afterward).

What are the signs of Lyme disease?

Early Lyme disease signs often include:

Erythema migraines (EM) are reddish rashes or skin lesions. 

The rash appears as a little red area at the location of the tick bite one week to four weeks after the bite. The spot grows over days or weeks to produce a circular, triangular, or oval-shaped rash. 

Because it appears as a red ring surrounding a clear center area, the rash may resemble a bull’s eye. The rash might be as small as a dime or as large as the width of a person’s back. As the infection spreads, multiple EM rashes (lesions) may emerge at various locations on your body.

  • Fever.
  • Headache.
  • Stiffness in Neck
  • Body Aches and Joint pains 
  • Fatigue.
  • Lymph node swelling (swollen glands).

The following are signs of the second stage of Lyme condition (the early disseminated stage):

  • Rashes in several places.
  • Bell’s palsy, a facial muscle paralysis.
  • A heart block is a disruption in the heart’s electrical circuit.
  • Numbness or unusual sensations (neuropathy).

The following are signs of late Lyme disease, which can occur months to a year after getting affected: 

Recurrent occurrences of joint swelling (arthritis). It usually affects big joints, such as the knee.
Concentration problems, sometimes known as “brain fog.” It is a type of encephalopathy or brain injury.
Polyneuropathy is the damage of nerves throughout your body, including your skin, muscles, and organs.

How is Lyme Disease Detected?

A healthcare expert will detect Lyme disease based on your signs, physical signs (such as a rash), and whether or not you have been in an area populated by infected ticks. 

Many people don’t recall or realize that a tick bit them. Because the tick is so tiny, its bite is typically painless.

Lyme disease can be detected with two positive (or occasionally ambiguous) findings required. Your provider will use a blood test to confirm the diagnosis. If your first blood test for Lyme disease returns negative, you won’t need another one. If the first test is positive or ambiguous, your provider will repeat it.

Medications And Care For Lyme Disease

Typically doxycycline or amoxicillin, are effective Lyme disease therapies. The stage of the disease determines the duration of your therapy. Generally, the sooner you take care of the condition, the faster and more effective your recovery. 

Pregnant women should also have cared for Lyme illness. However, no evidence exists that a fetus can contract the virus from its parent. There is also no conclusive evidence that abortions are more common after Lyme disease.

What Can Be Done If Get Bitten By A Tick?

If a tick bites you, the most straightforward approach to get rid of it is to do the following:

  • Tweeze the tick’s “head” at the level of your skin with blunt tweezers until it releases its grasp on your skin.
  • Avoid shattering the tick’s body or handling it with your bare fingers to avoid exposing yourself to the bacteria in the tick.
  • Soap and water should be used to clean the bitten area properly.
  • Kerosene,  Vaseline, or hot cigarette butts should not be used to remove the tick.
  • Using your fingers or tweezers, squeeze the tick’s body.

Lyme Disease Signs After Therapy

Even after receiving the right therapy, some persons (5% to 15%) may endure persistent weariness or headaches. It is referred to as post-therapy Lyme disease sign (PTLDS). It does not indicate that you are still infected. Additional medications are unlikely to help PTLDS. Most persons in this category will experience signs that will subside during the next six months.

Alternative Therapy For Lyme Disease

There are many alternative therapies to take care of this condition is homeopathy, natural therapy, Biomagnetism therapy, and more. 

Biomagnetic therapy is ideally suited for addressing the root cause of Lyme Disease and its correlated co-infections.

During your session, your therapist can determine pH imbalances specific to you. It is vital because those pH imbalances create environments capable of harboring pathogens. Using this approach, your therapist creates a specific, individualized protocol that targets the root cause of your signs.

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Does Biomagnetism Work For Lyme Disease? https://dev.biomagnetismforlymedisease.com/does-biomagnetism-work-for-lyme-disease https://dev.biomagnetismforlymedisease.com/does-biomagnetism-work-for-lyme-disease#respond Wed, 26 Apr 2023 11:31:10 +0000 https://dev.biomagnetismforlymedisease.com/?p=204
Biomagnetism therapy involves the placement of magnets of opposite polarity on specific points of the body. The attractions placed on the body will neutralize the pH levels in the affected area, creating an environment to reduce Lyme disease issues and rejuvenate the individual’s life.
Lyme disease’s issues are destructive and life-changing. It makes it difficult to live your daily life when you are facing this complex Lyme disease. When Lyme disease progresses to a chronic state and moves into the brain, the endotoxins will be released by borrelia. This Lyme disease bacterium is the primary cause of Lyme disease.
Yes, Biomagnetism is highly effective and works as the solution for Lyme disease; Biomagnetism therapy can support a majority of Lyme patients effectively. Magnetic therapy works to relieve pain on the nerve level. It has a molecular action that reduces inflammation, helping the capacity to rejuvenate.

Let's Know How Does Biomagnetism Therapy Work For Lyme Disease?

To reduce the issues of Lyme disease, Lyme Magnetic Protocol is used, it is a pair of medium-intensity magnets that apply opposing polarity for two energetically connected points on the body for about 20-25 minutes. It will help restore the pH balance, kills the viruses, and bacteria will lose their pathogenic capacity. And the body processes will change the impacted area by the magnets, and cells become healthier, and the body starts healing itself, often surprisingly and quickly.
Using variations of magnets for biomagnetism therapy, each magnet has its magnetic field; understanding the depth of magnetic penetration is needed to support the issues, and according to the problems, the magnet’s size and shape are used.
Biomagnetism therapy is most effective if you can access the right biomagnetism therapist and their biomagnetism therapy devices and use the correct methodology or support protocols to apply them. The therapeutic magnets used in therapy should have steep enough magnetic field gradients so that the parcel reaches the damaged area to envelop the target tissue and make the interests work for Lyme disease.
Multiple appointments for Biomagnetism therapy are required to remove Lyme issues and other pathogens from your body methodically. It is the best therapy that encourages your mind and body to connect, allows for healing, and increases restored energy and overall health. The number of appointments for biomagnetism therapy will depend on your case’s severity. With new-onset analysis of Lyme and tick-borne infection, it may take 5-8 sessions.

How The Biomagnetism Therapy Session Work Like

The biomagnetism therapy session is quite relaxing! You’ll lay fully clothed, on a comfortable massage table during therapy. The therapy is analyzed through a type of energy testing. As the magnets are placed on the body it will help to determine the most beneficial course of therapy, as your body responds with biofeedback via subtle changes in leg length. The evaluation of the magnet pairs that benefit you most will be decided. The results of the energy testing will show the priority for biomagnetism therapy in each session. With subsequent sessions, you will see the progress from the previous one.

Are There Any Side-Effects In Biomagnetism Therapy

The biomagnetism therapy session is generally gentle. You may experience a mild detoxification reaction in the body within a few days after your therapy session. Often detoxification can feel like a flare-up of a familiar indication; such as fatigue, a mild headache, or a tender joint.
During the biomagnetism therapy session, you will be provided with guidance for supporting our magnet therapy work in the days following your biomagnetism therapy session.

Is The Biomagnetic Therapy Compatible With Other Therapies?

Undeniably. The Biomagnetism protocol is an outstanding companion to other supportive therapies. Such as herbal, homeopathic, and curative flower essences are incredibly cooperative. 

If you are on antibiotics or other medications, you can participate in biomagnetism therapy. 

Medications can be adjusted with our biomagnetism therapy or eliminated as you move through biomagnetism therapy. You can continue to see your doctors even while you are in the therapy session as it’s highly effective.

A few studies or research have investigated the use of magnets in the therapy of Lyme disease, and these studies have been showing promising results.

One research study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine in 2013 examined biomagnetism pair therapy to train chronic Lyme disease. The study involved 12 patients with chronic Lyme disease who received biomagnetism pair therapy twice a week for six weeks. The study found that all 12 patients reported significant improvement in their issues. It includes reduced fatigue, joint pain, and cognitive problems.

Another study published in the Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology in 2007 investigated the use of biomagnetism field therapy for Lyme disease. The study involved 24 patients with early-stage Lyme disease who received biomagnetism field therapy for four weeks. As per the study, the patients who received biomagnetism field therapy had a faster resolution of their issues than those who did not.

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Biomagnetism therapy – A Revolutionary Approach for Lyme Disease https://dev.biomagnetismforlymedisease.com/biomagnetism-therapy-a-revolutionary-approach-for-lyme-disease https://dev.biomagnetismforlymedisease.com/biomagnetism-therapy-a-revolutionary-approach-for-lyme-disease#respond Wed, 26 Apr 2023 11:30:42 +0000 https://dev.biomagnetismforlymedisease.com/?p=201
Lyme disease is a contamination caused by the Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria, then transmitted to humans by a bite from an infected black-legged. A tick becomes infected after feeding on infected deer, birds, or mice. Recent studies show women are more likely to have this disease than men. FAIR Health (2019), one of the most comprehensive insurance claims databases, released a Lyme disease report proving that more insurance claims with Lyme disease diagnoses were submitted for females compared to males, and females don’t have a bimodal age distribution. In fact, between the ages of 25-50, twice as many females as males had Lyme disease.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stated that early-stage Lyme disease symptoms could include but are not limited to a gradually expanding tick bite that may feel warm to the touch but is itchy or painful, fever, chills, headache, fatigue, muscle pain, joint pain, swelling of the lymph nodes, and a bull’s-eye shaped rash will appears at the position of the tick bite called erythema migrans (EM) rash. Early Lyme disease doesn’t always appear the same in all patients. For instance, up to 30% of patients don’t remember experiencing a bull’s eye (EM) rash.
People with Lyme disease have no idea of a tick bite. Thus, the Lyme community typically uses the term “chronic Lyme disease” to define the range of cognitive, physical, and emotional symptoms that crop up after Lyme disease and persevere for months to years after infection.
Chronic Lyme disease can cause early Lyme symptoms like fatigue and muscle aches, but it can also generate new symptoms that affect different body parts. This stage is usually marked by severe headaches, neck stiffness, fevers, chills, facial palsy, joint pain, muscle swelling, numbness, heart palpitations, irregular heartbeat, dizziness, shortness of breath, inflammation of the nervous system, nerve pain, sometimes additional EM rashes. Another reason chronic Lyme disease is harder to detect and treat than Lyme in its earlier stages is that regular Lyme disease signs are wide-ranging and varied.
The health risks associated with chronic Lyme increase the longer a Lyme infection goes undertreated. On the other hand, more patients are likely to improve fully if their Lyme infection is noticed and treated as early as possible after the tick bite. However, when left untreated or undertreated, Lyme disease will spread throughout the body and affect the central nervous system, muscles, joints, heart circulation, reproductive system, and skin. Medical experts pointed out that these symptoms can evolve, disappear, and reappear at different times.
According to Dr. Luis F. Garcia, Lyme disease should be renamed to Coinfection Soup Syndrome or Lyme Disease: Multi-Pathogen Syndrome. In his personal and careful analysis of hundreds of Lyme clients, he has observed many pathogens contributing to the varied symptoms. Pathogens are defined as organisms causing disease to their host, with the severity of the disease symptoms referred to as virulence. These pathogens are categorized as viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and worms and are common in Lyme patients, which Dr. Garcia has observed with Biomagnetism.
Biomagnetism has been a revolutionary approach to health and wellness. It is a powerful treatment mode that targets Lyme disease and tick-borne infection symptoms. Using magnets represents an internationally practiced health method that tries to achieve a bioenergetic balance in the human body.
Biomagnetism requires placing magnets at the appropriate points, which makes opposite charges neutralize the pathogen and improve an equilibrium with a neutral pH. The pH imbalances will happen and combine to form symptoms, syndromes, and other health conditions in our bodies. Because of Biomagnetism, we can restore the body’s natural pH balance, and renewed natural defenses can keep various microorganisms, such as viruses, fungi, bacteria, and parasites, under control and allow them to quickly remove pathogens and restore the person to balance and health.

There are five types of Biomagnetism Pairs (BMP):

Temporary BMPs form from intoxicated, traumatized, or poisoned and address heavy-metal poisoning, pesticide poisoning, injuries, and more. The magnets used in the treatment are powerful and should be kept away from wallets, credit cards, and pacemakers. If we know someone with Lyme disease symptoms, we take the first step needed by seeking medical help. Patients must be evaluated and treated immediately with Biomagnetism and other evidence-based solutions.
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