
What Is Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is an insect-borne disease caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi and Borrelia mayonii. It can be transmitted to humans by biting these infected black-legged ticks. It is a severe condition for humans when the symptoms occur, including: 

  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Skin rash

This infection can be complicated, leading to multiple co-infections and Lyme Borrelia. This therapy needed a comprehensive and individualized approach in such disease, and the profession generally recommended using antibiotic pills or IV antibiotics. 

Some therapies can help you manage the symptoms by reaching the root cause of your discomfort.

​Biomagnetic Therapy

Biomagnetic therapy tries to address the root cause of Lyme Disease and its co-infections, if any. It helps to heal the body by involving the permanent magnets placed on the patient’s body. These magnets produce weak magnetic fields that can determine the pH imbalance of patients.

Introduction to Lyme Biomagnetic Protocol Therapy

The magnetic Lyme protocol is a powerful therapy that targets the symptoms of lying diseases and their co-infections. In this therapy, the biological frequency is created by using magnetic fields. They place the positive and negative magnetic pairs on the patient’s body in specific patterns and locations. This magnetic reflection changes the body’s susceptibility to bacterial, viral, fungal, and parasitic infections. It causes the pathogens to die off, and the problem that is caused due to them is solved. This therapy has several benefits, including:
  • Inflammation in the body decreases
  • Energy is balanced
  • Organ function is restored
  • Vitality resumes
  • Heal the body naturally

Combating Lyme Disease with Biomagnetism

As per observation, many different pathogens are causing various symptoms. Pathogens that cause the disease to the individuals and the severity of the symptoms of this disease are referred to as virulence. These pathogens are commonly categorized as fungi, bacteria, worms, viruses, and tick-borne in these infections. 

Biomagnetism therapy is a revolutionary approach to inhaling the symptoms caused by Lyme disease. It is one of the powerful therapies that specially target the symptoms of this disease and tick-borne infection.

Using a magnet, it tries to achieve bioenergetic balance in the human body. It helps to heal the pH imbalance that happens due to the disease. It combines to eliminate the symptoms and other health conditions in the patient’s body.

This therapy promotes the body’s natural pH balance and keeps renewed natural defense. That keeps the various microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, fungi, and multiple parasites under control.

Lyme Magnetic Protocol Therapy

The patient with Lyme disease symptoms needs immediate medical help. They should be evaluated and treated as soon as possible to avoid complications.

Five types of Biomagnetic Pairs (BMP) :

Regular BMPs:

It has a specific relationship with a particular pathogen.

Special BMPs:

These are different from regular pathogen pairs and must be identified.

Glandular dysfunctions BMPs:

These pairs are surrounded by the gland.

Associated BMPs:

It creates more complicated diseases like abscesses and Alzheimer's.

Temporary BMPs:

This pair forms from intoxicated, injured, poisoned, traumatized, and pesticide poisoning.

Biomagnetic therapy allows using a magnet when a patient is being treated. These powerful magnets must be kept away from credit cards, wallets, and pacemakers.

How Much Time Needed To Heal From The Lyme Disease

Lyme Disease is complex and needs an aggressive approach due to its multiple co-infections. It is a multi-pathogen syndrome, so it must be addressed on time and eliminated from the patient’s body. It can be possible with only successful therapy that may benefit. 

Biomagnetic therapy usually takes 7 – 10 sessions, with the individual needing to be careful to avoid any complication or infection. These sessions can differ to the patient’s condition and illness. Some complicated cases take up to 20-30 therapies.

Initially, the patient receives therapy that may benefit every two weeks. Eventually, it progresses to every five weeks. Patients can experience significant improvement after several therapy sessions. This therapy must be completed for successful healing. Other factors, such as the patient’s diet, stress, and sleep, must be addressed during the therapy.

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